SHOKU EN Co., Ltd. was established in May 2013, with the support of Shingu-City and Kinki University and with investments from leading domestic aqua farming companies as well as major public companies. With this support and investments, the company is forging ahead to build their business scheme. Shoku En’s factory, the base of processing and overseas export, is under construction in Shingu-City, and domestic cultured fish, such as Japanese Buri (Japanese Amberjack), is processed into filets and exported to markets in the United States and other overseas countries. Our company is aiming to make Japanese aqua farming a growth industry, starting with our Buri, by promoting full-fledged marketing and business development overseas.
Colorado Address:
357 S. McCaslin Blvd, Ste. 200
Louisville, CO 80027
Japanese Headquarters
2122-3, Sano, Shingu-shi, Wakayama Prefecture, 647-0071, JAPAN